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- From 06.02.2023 to 10.02.2023, MMTI Director, Capt. C. L. DUBEY, attended HTW9 meeting of IMO, London, sponsored by CMMI. He was a part of Indian Delegation at IMO for “Human Elements, Training & Watchkeeping Session 9 (HTW9).
- Capt. C. L. Dubey B.Sc., Extra Master, Director & Owner of Mumbai Maritime Training Institute (MMTI), Mumbai & Fellow and Warden of ‘The Company of Master Mariners of India’ (CMMI), a professional body representing Master Mariners with the purpose of developing and promoting the traditions and standards of the Merchant Navy in India, at its monthly lecture meeting on Thursday, 23rd March held at the Mumbai Maritime Training Institute (MMTI), presented a report on the IMO HTW9 Committee meeting recently held in London from 6 to 10 February 2023.
- MUMBAI MARITIME TRAINING INSTITUTE was awarded the 2nd Rank in “Recognition of Outstanding Maritime Training Institute”, in the category of Post Sea Training Institute in conducting Competency Courses on the occasion of 60th National Maritime Day Celebrations 2023 by D. G. Shipping, Govt. of India.