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MMTI Mumbai

General Terms & Conditions

The information displayed on this site is provided on a ‘best efforts’ and ‘as is’ basis without any warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The users of www.mmti.co.in claim the entire responsibility for the selection and use of the service(s) and neither the MMTI nor any of its information providers, licensers, employees, partners or agents shall have any liability for any errors, malfunctions, defects, loss of data, resulting from the use or inability to use the service. In no event shall the liability of the MMTI, if any, exceed the amount paid, if any, by the user. While utmost care is taken to provide correct and up to date information, the MMTI does not warrant the accuracy, completeness and timely availability of the information provided on the site and accepts no responsibility or liability for any error or omission in any information provided on the site nor does the site claim to be comprehensive in its coverage of examinations (either competitive or otherwise in nature) and/or of the various educational or maritime training program conducted in India.

This website may contain information about various academic programs and maritime training programs offered by institutes and/or institutions as well as about various examinations that are conducted by them, or by the Directorate General of Shipping, or by independent parties/third parties in India. This information has been compiled from various sources, including primary research conducted by, or on behalf of the MMTI as well as secondary or desk research. The MMTI will in no event be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising out of the use of or inability to use and/or for any delay in the service provided by the site. THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THIS SITE IS FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES.

The MMTI expressly disclaims any warranties whether express or implied about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness, correctness, completeness, quality, continuity, performance, fitness of products, services contained/displayed within this website for any purpose.

Any Questions ? For any doubts/clarifications or additional information that you may require, please contact us at mmti53@hotmail.com or mmti97@yahoo.com.

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